
Submission #15: “Most comments about our relationship were always focused at her and why she would date a white boy”

I am a straight white male so I have never been subject to much discrimination but there was a brief time I dated someone of Indian descent. For the most part everything was fine but there were a few instances on the bus, or when we were in the city late at night where people would be a bit drunk and we’d get a lot of shit. Or to be more specific, she would. Most comments about our relationship were always focused at her and why she would date a white boy, they would only ever glare at me but say nothing. She always just let it brush of her back and would apologise for it and I’d tell her it was fine but in hindsight it really wasn’t. This wasn’t why we broke up, but in retrospect I don’t know if I would’ve wanted things to get any more serious between us. I have gained a huge understanding of the power of white privilege since dating her and as selfish as it is I don’t think I’d ever want to give it up by marrying a non white person.

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